My mission for the youth is to teach them the Truth of who God is and equipping them to live according to Scripture. Classes are centered around Bible stories appropriate per age group; which teach the youth life lessons, how to maintain healthy friendships, what God expects from them and what they could possibly achieve in their life by surrendering to the Lord and living a holy life. We teach Acts 2:38 to all members of our church, including the youth. One must repent, be baptized in Jesus' name for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

One main rule I have for all ages: learn respect to earn respect. The youth will learn to respect their elders, God's Word, parents, leadership in church and school, government and, especially, themselves. Without respect you will not receive the wisdom of fearing God.

To tell you a little about myself: My name is Mae, I was born in Oxnard, CA but moved to Independence, MO around the age of 3. I grew up not knowing anything of God; who He is and what He did for all mankind. From the ages of 17-19 I researched and explored all denominations of religions ranging from Buddhist to Muslim, Catholic to Atheist. I had a passion for knowledge but could never quench my soul with all the information acquired. At the age of 20, my boyfriend at the time asked me to attend his church one Sunday morning. When I walked into my first Pentecostal service, I knew immediately I had found the truth and I was never leaving it. I have been actively participating in as much as I possibly can for the past 6 years. I married that boyfriend, Michael, and we have three children; Madelyn, Caden and Kahler. We have moved into Platte City to follow, and assist, my father-in-law and mother-in-law with starting their home mission church. I was called to work with the youth just a few years ago when my husband was asked to be the Bible Quizzing Director at our previous church. He asked me to assist him during practices and tournaments. Due to work conflicting with his ministry, I stepped into his place and kept the ministry alive. I was then asked to teach the young ladies Wednesday night class and soon after was asked to become the new Youth Leader of the church. Just months later, my husbands job transferred him to Platte City.

So I begin again, fresh, with a new generation of youth to reach out to and teach. I continue to have a burden for working with the youth and being a mentor and to be someone they can trust and speak to without fear of ridicule and unrighteous judgement.

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